memory area

英 [ˈmeməri ˈeəriə] 美 [ˈmeməri ˈeriə]

网络  内存区域; 存储区域; 内存区; 存储区



  1. One purpose of the shared memory area is to act as a buffer, minimizing the necessity for further reads from disk.
  2. All UNIX-like systems support user processes; each process has its own separate memory area, normally untouchable by other processes.
  3. The current memory area is consumed only by object allocations, so one approach to memory management is to use only a fixed number of objects or avoid them altogether.
  4. Memory allocated to a memory area Each memory area created by an application is allocated with a requested size.
  5. Objects allocated in the immortal memory area are accessible to all threads and are never collected.
  6. When you develop with nonheap memory, it's important to think carefully about which memory area you are in and on what type of thread you are executing each line of code.
  7. By using primitive values on the stack, we can do work without using the current memory area.
  8. An IllegalAssignmentError can be introduced when it isn't known which memory area an object is allocated from, or where on the scope stack a particular scope is located.
  9. More rules define when the objects in a scope memory are finalized and when the memory area can be reused.
  10. Each scope memory area is allocated with a maximum size and can be used for object allocation.
  11. To ensure the integrity of the heap and the immortal memory area, the RTSJ defines rules for using scoped memory.
  12. To ensure the integrity of references between objects, the RTSJ defines rules that govern how objects in one memory area ( heap, immortal, or scope) can refer to objects in other memory areas.
  13. Prior to finalizing the memory area, the finalizing thread may have acquired locks.
  14. Put checks in for thread type and memory area
  15. Internally, it starts a short-lived RealtimeThread in the supplied memory area to execute the Runnable.
  16. DB2 needs a contiguous address space for the shared memory area.
  17. A scoped memory area shared by several threads may appear to have sufficient size because it is expected to be cleared when no threads are using it.
  18. The virtual memory area ( VMA) pointer needs to be added in as the first parameter followed by the usual four parameters ( start, end, size, and protection flags).
  19. Tune the bufferpool size if the application has the ability to work with large objects such as BLOBs, CLOBs and VarCahrs ( as these are accessed using the memory area of the database).
  20. But which memory area should we create these objects in?
  21. The command line arguments are then accessed one by one from the stack and stored in the memory area until the command table gets full.
  22. All threads have an initial memory area that's used for the thread's lifetime.
  23. When DB2 pulls data from disks, it places the data in a DB2 shared memory area.
  24. A developer will create a scoped memory area of a specific size and when objects are instantiated the space for them will be allocated from this area.
  25. Picture definition is stored in a memory area called the refresh buffer or frame buffer.
  26. For memory management RTSJ uses the concept of a memory area.
  27. Storage test: Study how the memory was stored either in the resident memory area or on the disk.
  28. Multiple users can share data within this memory area and avoid repeated, time-consuming access from physical disk.
  29. The SGA is a shared memory area that contains data and control information for the instance.